FREE Book Plates
What are bookplates?
Bookplates are labels signed by the author (me!) which you can stick on the title page of the book. Your book essentially becomes a “signed” edition.
Is the bookplate free?
It sure is! As much as I would love to sign every book of mine that’s out there, that’s quite impossible to do. But many of my readers treasure signed books. Bookplates are the perfect alternative.
How do I get one?
Simple. Mail a self-addressed stamped envelope to me at P.O. Box 174, Brentwood, CA 94513 USA and I’ll send you a bookplate. If you want more than one (ie, two or three plates), include a note to that effect.
(The bookplates measure 4×4 inches and should fit in a #10 standard envelope. Keep this in mind for the envelope you send. If it’s smaller, I’ll have to fold the bookplate.)
How many may I request?
You can request up to five bookplates.
Can you customize my bookplate?
Due to limited space on the plate and time, the bookplates cannot be customized. But each plate is be signed by me.